[How to Get Fast] 2x2 - Cameron Stollery
Admin 2289 19 Nov, 2014

[How to Get Fast] 2x2 - Cameron Stollery

This video is designed to help cubers of different abilities get faster at 2x2. Cameron covers how to get fast with a range of different methods, starting with beginner methods and going all the way up to advanced methods used by world-class speedcubers. PLAYLIST FOR THIS SERIES: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ1BFt1hZm2pzkDBx-KvOVnuOpX9zOfNN Hardware: 0:51 Ortega: 5:49 CLL: 11:51 EG-1: 16:34 EG-2 and other advanced methods: 25:56 Here are links to the pages Cameron mentions in the video: Ortega algorithms: Chris Olson's site: https://cyotheking.squarespace.com/ortega/ Erik Akkersdijk's site: http://erikku.er.funpic.org/rubik/2x2_ortega.html CLL algorithms: Chris Olson's site: https://cyotheking.squarespace.com/cll2-1/ Anthony Brooks' site: http://www.speedcubing101.com/cll.html EG-1 algorithms: Chris Olson's site: https://cyotheking.squarespace.com/cll2-1/ Dan Cohen's site: http://cube.danrcohen.com/eg1.html Anthony Brooks' site: http://www.speedcubing101.com/eg-1.html EG-2 algorithms: Chris Olson's site: https://cyotheking.squarespace.com/cll2/ Anthony Brooks' site: http://www.speedcubing101.com/eg-2.html Stern-Sun (SS) method: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1HP6i5J4mf9YTczZmY5ZTgtOTM0Zi00NDg1LWIzNDEtNWEwYTc3ZmExOTFl/edit?pli=1&hl=en_US TCLL method: https://cyotheking.squarespace.com/tcll/ Speedsolving.com 2x2 example solve game: http://www.speedsolving.com/forum/showthread.php?27830-The-2x2x2-quot-Example-Solve-quot-Game! If you want to see more, check out Cameron's channel: http://www.youtube.com/rctacameron Check out our website: http://www.cubingworld.com/ And our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CubingWorld And don't forget to subscribe!