Pyraminx Last Layer Algorithms From All Angles
Admin 7074 19 Nov, 2014

Pyraminx Last Layer Algorithms From All Angles

Drew shows many ways to finish a Pyraminx. Algs: clockwise 3 cycles: 1 oriented edge at L: R' L R L' 1 oriented edge at D: U' R U R' 1 oriented edge at R: L' U L U' all edges oriented: L R' L' R2 U' R' U Counter-clockwise 3 cycles: 1 oriented edge at R: L R' L' R 1 oriented edge at D: U L' U' L 1 oriented edge at L: R U' R' U all edges oriented: R' L R L2' U L U' 2-flips: flipped edges on U: L R' L' R U' R U R' OR: R' L R L' U L' U' L flipped edges on L: U' R U R' L R' L' R OR: R' L R L' R U' R' U flipped edges on R: L R' L' R L' U L U' OR: U L' U' L R' L R L' Drew's channel: Check out our website: And our Facebook page: And don't forget to subscribe!