mf8 Square-1 Version II Review
Admin 1798 19 Nov, 2014

mf8 Square-1 Version II Review

Thumbs up for awesome camera angle?! Can we get 50 likes on this one? Full review here: Get it here: I think I'm starting to really enjoy reviewing puzzles and I think this review worked out quite well. I should be purchasing a microphone soon, so bare with me as I continue to use crappy microphones for now :) This review probably took over 6 hours to complete since this style of reviewing is so completely different than anything else I've ever done (except the witlong review). It should only get better from here! If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments so that I can improve even more! But please don't say things like "be funnier" because that's very hard for someone who isn't funny. :P Facebook Group: Facebook Page: Twitter Page: Background music is 'Itty Bitty 8 Bit' by Kevin MacLeod. It is used under the Creative Commons License. ISRC: US-UAN-11-00764