11.70 3x3x3 average of 5 (Fast Turning With Pauses)
Admin 1340 19 Nov, 2014

11.70 3x3x3 average of 5 (Fast Turning With Pauses)

Answer all the questions for a cookie? Ottozing: http://youtube.com/ottozing This video contrasts the notion of "slow turning with no pauses." Both can be fast. No, this is not my normal style. I don't like turning this fast. Scrambles and times: 1. 11.36 F2 D U B R2 B U2 B' D2 B' F' U' D' B U' F' L' D F2 R' L B F2 U L2 2. 11.83 D L2 B' D2 F D F' L' U L' U R L2 D2 B2 L' F2 L B2 L2 R' F' R2 B2 F 3. (14.23) U' R2 B U R2 L F2 B' R' B F' D B2 U B2 L' D R B L2 F L U B' R' 4. (10.47) B2 L R2 F L U2 F2 L D2 F D' L2 R U R U B' L' U2 F B L' R' B' D' 5. 11.91 D' B' D U' R U' L2 U2 B2 R' B U' F B2 U2 D2 L2 U' L B2 D2 L R2 D U Website: http://cyoubx.weebly.com Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/427763460583446 Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/cyoubx Twitter Page: http://twitter.com/cyoubx Background music is 'Itty Bitty 8 Bit' by Kevin MacLeod. It is used under the Creative Commons License. ISRC: US-UAN-11-00764 http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/