I quit! [read description] 14.77 Color Neutral Average of 12 Attempt
Admin 1379 19 Nov, 2014

I quit! [read description] 14.77 Color Neutral Average of 12 Attempt

**Important** 1. I've postponed my cubing 'career.' I'll get back to it either over Winter Break or Summer Vacation. I just don't have much time for it anymore. 2. Less videos will be posted. I will have a 5x5 walkthrough/tips video up shortly (I've already filmed it) and a SubXX product overview (I did receive another package from them). 3. Less cubing videos = more vlog videos. I'm going to discuss my "YouTube Journey" as a mini-series. Feel free to leave suggestions as comments so that I cover your concerns. I'll still be making videos; I just won't be getting faster at cubing. Cube: FangCun Avg of 12: 14.77 Time List: 1. 14.58 L' F' U' L2 R2 F L2 R D' F' U2 D2 R2 L' F D' L B2 U' B2 L' D' L2 R B' 2. (10.49) B' L R F D' U' B D L' B R' F U R' L2 D2 U F B2 U' D' R' U2 B2 F' 3. 17.60 L' F R2 B F2 U2 D' B F' L' F R2 D2 L R' B U' L' F U2 D2 B' D2 L' R2 4. 15.27 B D2 B R B' R' U2 F' D2 B2 U' L F2 D' B2 L U R D B2 U' B2 R' L2 U2 5. 15.26 D2 L2 B' F' U' R2 B R2 B' R2 B D' B R2 U' L F2 L' R' D L U L U' D' 6. 17.51 L R D' R2 B' D2 R L B' F' R F B2 U2 R' F B D' U R' B' L R B' D 7. 16.58 L' D R2 L F2 B' D F' D2 F R B L2 F B2 U2 L R' B' F L U2 B2 R F2 8. 13.01 D F2 U D2 L R D2 B' L' D2 B2 D F U2 D' L D' F L R D' B' F L2 F2 9. 13.92 B F2 D2 U B' L2 F2 D' F' U' L' R' U2 F2 D L' D2 U2 L' D F2 L2 B2 U' R' 10. 13.34 L' F2 B L R2 F L2 R' U2 R' B' D U2 R2 F' B2 D U2 F R' L2 U D' R' F 11. (20.46) L' F2 U2 R2 D B2 F2 L' B2 D2 R' U B' L R F D2 B' U2 L U D2 F' L2 R2 12. 10.63 D' F' D2 F B L R' F R' U B2 F2 D R D' B F R L2 D F' L' B2 F2 D Website: http://cyoubx.weebly.com Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/427763460583446 Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/cyoubx Twitter Page: http://twitter.com/cyoubx Background music is 'Itty Bitty 8 Bit' by Kevin MacLeod. It is used under the Creative Commons License. ISRC: US-UAN-11-00764 http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/