Deep Cube
Admin 1779 09 Nov, 2014

Deep Cube

Buy at Copyright (c) 2014, M. Oskar van Deventer. Deep Cube is a make-over of the Bingo Cube. Bingo Cube was invented and built by Evgeniy Grigoriev, with support from Aleh Hladzilin based on an idea posted at the Twisty Puzzles Forum. It can be considered a two-layer variation to the Dual-Fold Floppy Cube by Sigurd Wedel. Deep Cube is a so-called "deeper-than-origin-cut" twisty puzzle. Other examples are David Pitcher's award-winning Rotoprism 2 and Enabler Cube. Deep Cube has a big hole to show the core. This helps understanding the mechanism. Only two faces can turn, namely those not interfered by the big hole. Two layers always turn together because of the deeper-than-origin mechanism. Deep Cube has a mechanism that locks and unlocks faces, similar to Bingo Cube. Whereas Bingo Cube has a special edge piece that unlocks the two centers that it is adjacent to, Deep Cube has locking pins in all edge pieces to locks faces together that are opposite the big hole. The mechanism of Deep Cube is similar to Enabler Cube, where the "enabler" piece disables rotation of opposite faces.