CFOP: OLL for Beginners + 2-Look Tutorial
Admin 1921 06 Nov, 2014

CFOP: OLL for Beginners + 2-Look Tutorial

Please LIKE the video if it helped, I really appreciate it. Thanks! This video was requested many times, so I decided to make it earlier and here it is, hope you enjoy and it helps you all! I explained OLL and taught how to solve it using only 2 algorithms (but you actually need 8 in total - explained in video). Cases and Algorithms: To get the cross, use this algorithm: F (R U R' U') F' [repeat until cross is solved] After cross is solved, you will get one of these 7 cases: 1. (4:37) Alg: (R U2 R' U') (R U R' U') R U' R' 2. (5:08) Alg: R U2 R2 U' R2 U' R2 U2 R 3. Sune (5:35) Alg: R U R' U R U2 R' 4. Anti-sune (6:08) Alg: R U2 R' U' R U' R' 5. (6:23) Alg: R2 [D (R' U2) R] [D' (R' U2) R'] or R U R' U' (R U' R' U2) x2 R U R' 6. (7:20) Alg: (r U R' U') (r' F R F') 7. (7:47) Alg: F' r U R' U' r' F R