QiYi 2x2x3 Review + Tutorial! | thecubicle.us
07 Oct, 2017
QiYi 2x2x3 Review + Tutorial! | thecubicle.us
Buy HERE - https://thecubicle.us/qiyi-2x2x3-p-9429.html
5% Discount Code - CrazyBadCuber
Cube Algorithm - R2, U, R2, U', R2, U', D, R2, U', R2, U, R2
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Very impressed with the quality of this small cuboid. QiYi actually took the time to design it to corner cut, and it's not a speed cube, which goes to show the quality control they have at that company.
Stickers are great, plastic is fantastic, it corner cuts, definitely NOT a cheap puzzle, and still comes in at an inexpensive price!
LInks to The Cubicle
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